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AI has become a favorite tool for hackers… and no wonder, they have great success using it. To show just how just how effective AI can be at breaking passwords, Home Security Heroes conducted a test. They used an AI neural network, called the password generative adversarial network (or PassGAN), to guess passwords. To train their AI, they used a data set that comprised of leaked passwords from gaming site, RockYou.

What they discovered was shocking. The team found PassGan was able to guess passwords four, five, and six characters long almost instantaneously, even if they were made up of a combination of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols. Even a seven-digit password with upper and lowercase letters and numbers (but no symbols) could be cracked in under a minute.

Read on to learn more about how AI is being used to crack passwords and what you can do about it.

The Rise of AI in Hacking

Traditionally, cracking passwords involved brute force attacks, where hackers systematically tried every possible combination until the correct one was found. This method was time-consuming and required immense computational power. However, with the advent of AI, hackers now have access to sophisticated algorithms that can analyze patterns, predict passwords, and adapt their strategies in real time.

Machine Learning Algorithms at Work

AI-powered hacking tools leverage machine learning algorithms to learn from vast amounts of data. By analyzing breached password databases and patterns in user behavior, these algorithms can quickly identify common passwords, predict variations, and generate likely combinations. This enables hackers to crack passwords in seconds, even for complex combinations that would have been nearly impossible to crack manually.

Abstract key with binary background, digital security, passwords.

Password Cracking Speeds Soar

The speed at which AI can crack passwords is staggering. What once took weeks or months can now be accomplished in a matter of seconds. This exponential increase in efficiency poses a significant threat to individuals and organizations alike, as weak or reused passwords become vulnerable to AI-driven attacks.

Social Engineering and AI

AI is not limited to brute force attacks. Hackers are also using AI to enhance social engineering tactics, where they manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information. By analyzing social media profiles, online activity, and communication patterns, AI algorithms can create highly personalized phishing emails or messages that deceive even the most vigilant users.

Protecting Against AI-Powered Attacks

When it comes to protecting passwords from AI-powered attacks, businesses need to prioritize strong cybersecurity practices. This includes implementing multi-factor authentication for added security, promoting the use of complex and regularly updated passwords among employees, and using password management tools to securely store login credentials. Encryption should be used to protect data both in transit and at rest. Regular security assessments and training programs to educate staff on recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts are important components of an effective defense strategy.

The integration of AI in hacking poses a significant cybersecurity threat. Hackers are leveraging advanced algorithms to crack passwords at unprecedented speeds, demonstrating just how important robust security measures and proactive defense strategies are. By maintaining vigilance, updating systems, and investing in advanced security measures, businesses can mitigate the risks posed by AI-driven threats.

Keith Johnson

Author Keith Johnson

Keith Johnson’s passion for cybersecurity awareness, customer service, and mentorship has led him to build a lifelong career as a technology advocate. Currently guiding Obviam’s business strategies as the Executive Vice President, Keith leverages his Masters education in Business to solve complex business technology issues. He continues to share his expertise as a panellist at TechFest Louisville and in Obviam’s regular Lunch and Learn sessions.

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