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Social engineering attacks are extremely common; chances are you’ve been exposed to many of them, and hopefully, you recognized what they were and didn’t become a victim. Social engineering attacks rely on psychological manipulation to trick people into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that compromise security. It’s important to know about the different types of social engineering attacks and how to recognize them so that you can put together an effective prevention strategy.

In this blog post, we will explore common types of social engineering attacks and provide insights on how to safeguard against them.

1. Phishing Attacks – Phishing attacks are among the most widespread social engineering techniques. Attackers masquerade as legitimate entities, such as banks or reputable companies, to deceive individuals into sharing personal information like passwords or financial details. To prevent falling victim to phishing attacks, be cautious of unsolicited emails, avoid clicking on suspicious links, and verify the authenticity of requests before disclosing any confidential information.

2. Pretexting – Pretexting involves creating a fabricated scenario to gain the trust of the target and extract sensitive information. Attackers may impersonate authorities, coworkers, or IT personnel to manipulate individuals into providing access credentials or other confidential data. To mitigate pretexting threats, establish strict protocols for verifying the identity of individuals requesting sensitive information, especially in unfamiliar or high-pressure situations.

icon of social engineering manipulating a user: Symbolic representation of psychological attacks, raising awareness and promoting training

3. Baiting Attacks – These attacks tempt victims with enticing offers or rewards to lure them into downloading malicious software or disclosing confidential information. Baiting attacks often occur through seemingly harmless channels like USB drives or fake software downloads. To defend against baiting attacks, exercise caution when encountering unexpected offers or incentives, and only download files from trusted sources.

4. Tailgating – Tailgating, also known as piggybacking, involves unauthorized individuals gaining physical access to restricted areas by following authorized personnel. This type of social engineering attack exploits human courtesy and can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive locations or information. Preventing tailgating requires stringent access control measures, such as requiring identification badges and escorting visitors in secure areas.

5. Quid Pro Quo – Quid pro quo attacks involve offering a service or benefit in exchange for sensitive information or access rights. Attackers may pose as helpful IT support personnel offering assistance while requesting login credentials or remote access to systems. To counter quid pro quo tactics, educate employees on the importance of never disclosing credentials in exchange for services and encourage reporting any suspicious requests promptly.

Protecting against social engineering attacks necessitates a combination of awareness, vigilance, and robust security practices. By familiarizing yourself and your team with the different forms of social engineering and implementing proactive prevention measures, you can fortify your defenses against these insidious threats. Staying informed and fostering a security-conscious culture are essential components of safeguarding against social engineering attacks in an increasingly interconnected digital world.

Keith Johnson

Author Keith Johnson

Keith Johnson’s passion for cybersecurity awareness, customer service, and mentorship has led him to build a lifelong career as a technology advocate. Currently guiding Obviam’s business strategies as the Executive Vice President, Keith leverages his Masters education in Business to solve complex business technology issues. He continues to share his expertise as a panellist at TechFest Louisville and in Obviam’s regular Lunch and Learn sessions.

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